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Chapter eight 287
cuit ashore; at twelve tacked and stood out again; so now we have begun our cruise of ive days in all its forms, and shall in, obedience to the letter of our instructions, ruin the expedition, and destroy the remnant of the French Navy, with a precision and a punctuality which will be truly edifying. We opened Bantry Bay, and in all my life rage never entered so deeply onto my heart as when we turned our backs on the coast.”
The Invasion of 1796
Now fair and strong the South-east blew, And high the billows rose;
The French leet bounded o’er the waves, Freighted with Erin’s foes.
Oh! Where was Hood-and where was Howe, And where Cornwallis then,
Where Colpoys, Bridport, or Pellew,
And all their gallant men?
Nor skill nor courage aught avail When Providence gainsays;
The Storm arose, and clos’d our ports, A mist o’erspread the seas.
For not to feeble mortal men
Did God his vengeance trust;
He rais’d his own tremendous arm, All powerful-and all-just!
Now ierce and loud the tempest blew, And swept the quiv’ring main,
And part go South and part go West, And part the shore attain.

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