Page 306 - Demo
P. 306
Stephen Dunford: The Journey of The IrIsh
The principal provisions of the Act were as follows:-
1. That the number of Irish Members of Parliament who would represent Ireland in the English House of Commons would be 100.
2. That the Irish Established Church, the Protestant Church, would continue for ever united with the Church of England.
3. That all members should take an oath denying the spiritual power of the Pope, and denying certain Catholic principles.
4. That for every £17 which would now be expended by theUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Ireland would contribute £2 and Great Britain £15.
‘And thus was ended for a long time even the shadow of independent existence which had for centuries been Ireland’s under its Anglo-Irish Parliament, and the moderate meas- ure of independence which for eighteen years had been hers under Grattan’s Parliament.’