Page 79 - Demo
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Chapter three 79 Saint Brighid
Often referenced as ‘the Pearl of Ireland’ and named for the pagan Celtic Goddess of Fire whose manifestations were song and poetry, attributes which the Celts considered the very lame of knowledge, Brighid was, in her own way, almost a peer of St Patrick-such a great missioner was she in spreading the Christian faith. Furthermore, she linked Patrick and Colm Cille.
She was once referred to by an esteemed Irish clerical scholar when he said:
‘Brighid is the perfect example of Irish hospitality; she can (by a miracle) milk her cows three times in one day to provide a meal for visitors; she can outwit a king (in the cause of
charity), as well as any pagan hero could have doen and with far more charm.
Engraving of St. Brigid, by John Canon O’Hanlon