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Chapter NiNe 341 Principal Irish Historical Manuscripts
Leabhar na hUidri, i.e., the Book of the Dun Cow. Compiled by Maelmuire Mac Ceileachair, a monk of Clonmacnoise, about 1100. It contains 49 pieces, religious, histori- cal, romantic. 268 pages folio.
The Book of Leinster - Compiled by Finn Mac Gorman, bishop of Kildare from 1148 to 1160. It contains nearly 1,000 pieces, historical, topographical, and romantic, in prose and verse. 410 pages folio.
The Book of Ballymote - Compiled by Solomen O’Droma and Manus O’Duigenan, at Ballymote, Co.Sligo, about 1390. It contains nearly 400 pieces, on the Conquests of Ireland, pedigrees, family histories, a treatise on Oghams, etc. 502 pages folio.
The Leabhar Breac, i.e.,the speckled book.-The compiler is not known. It contains 226 pieces, almost all religious, Lives of saints, monastic rules, litanies, etc. 280 pages folio.
The Yellow Book of Lecan - Compiled by Donough and Gilla Isa Mac irbis, of Lecan, co. Sligo, about 1390. It contains a large collection of ancient historical tracts, sacred and profane, in prose and verse. About 500 pages.
The Seanchas Mor - The great collection of the Brehon Laws, made in the third cen- tury, and remodeled in the time of St. Patrick.
The Dinnseanchus - A metrical history of the hills and forts of Ireland. The author is said to have been Amergin, son of Amalgadh, who lived in 544.
The Felire of Aengus - The author was Aengus, surnamed the Culdee, a monk of Tal- laght in 798. It consists of 591 stanzas of four lines each, the irst 85 being an introduc- tion, the next 365 notices of Saints on the feast day of each, and the last 141 an epilogue. Published with a translation in 1871. 1 vol.4to.
The Book of Armagh - Compiled by Ferdomnach in 807. It contains a Life of St. Pat-